
Oil Drilling Xanthan Gum Application

Application in Compression Fracture Technique of Oil Exploitation

Polymer flooding holds an important place in the various ways of enhancing oil recovery. The polymer plays a role in adjusting the rheological property of injected water, increasing the viscosity of driving liquid and improving the sweep efficiency of water flooding. The decrease of water phase permeability can make water and oil flow forward at a constant rate. In the condition of the reservoir, these polymers need to possess viscosity-increasing performance and maintain high viscosity with the change of temperature, pressure and salinity.
the Viscosity il drilling xanthan gum Application Oil drilling xanthan gum Application
InChina, oilfield chemicals mainly use polyacrylamide, Carboxymethylcellulose and modified starch. Consequently this leads to high cost of drilling and low oil extraction rate. Oil drilling xanthan gum is superior to other polymers as for tackifying, thickening, salt-resistant and anti-fouling performance. Moreover, it has a significant effect on mud treatment, drilling fluid and well completion especially under the conditions of oceans, beaches, and permafrost 
Since oil drilling xanthan gum possesses favorable rheological property, water-solubility, chemical stability, anti-degradation ability, it can act as a displacing agent for oil exploitation.
Compared with ordinary hydrolysis polyacrylamides, oil drilling xanthan gum has some advantageous properties, such as physical and chemical stability, good flooding effect, and low manufacturing cost. In addition, due to its favorable anti-degradation and shear resistant capacities, it can selectively flow in the formation and has preferable flooding effects.
Moreover, oil drilling xanthan gum is also applied in fracturing fluids and it is mainly used as a thickening agent in aqueous fracturing fluids and also plays a role in reducing frictional resistance.

Xanthan Gum - Production Strains and Preservation in Fermentation Production

1. About Production Strains
Generally, xanthan gum production strain use pathogenic bacteria of black rot which belongs to cruciferous plant - xanthomonas bacteria and their variants, they can be got from the soil and plant pathogens that were screened isolated. The majority of xanthan gum production strains is xanthomonas campestris bacteria in China, usually use conventional methods of xanthan gum production strain.

There are not only conventional methods, but also by physical and chemical mutagenesis method to induce breeding of 
xanthan gumxanthan gum to improve the characteristics of its production Strains to produce gum, improve the product properties. For example, xanthan gum production strain can be screened by mutagenic treatment which could not produce pigment. If xanthomonas campestris dimethyl sulfate, lithium chloride or ultraviolet are compound treatment twice, rifampin, or bacitracin resistance plate screening, fermentation broth viscosity of mutants obtained increased by 30 % -70%, gum production increased by 20% -80%. The most ideal breeding method of high-quality xanthan gum’s producing bacteria is the use of genetic engineering, directed to transform and build new engineering bacteria, in order to achieve high quality, high yield, low-power purposes.

2. Regarding to Production strains preserved
In order to avoid degradation and variation of producing strain, we have to  try to limit the passage number of strains, avoid long-term preservation strain on agar slants, preferably be preserved by freeze-drying and cryopreservation preservation method.

The experimental result in that for long-term preservation of xanthan gum species preservation method could use mineral oil. The method is simple and easy to operate, survival rate of species is high, the longest retention time could be up to 5 to 6 years. five years later culture collection, the determination of fermentation liquid viscosity average is 81.7% of the original strain, gum production rate is of 87.6%, a variety of performance remained unchanged, the save results are satisfactory.

Where to buy xanthan gum?

Xanthan Gum is specially produced as mud additive for oil drilling and exploitation. Being an environment friendly and high efficiency mud additive, Xanthan Gum Oil Drilling Grade has an excellent tolerance to the changes of temperature, acid, alkaline and salt. Meanwhile, it can extremely increase the products penetrating ability and suspending performance to small solid materials, and reduce the pressure loss during drilling. This Xanthan Gum can not only fasten the well bore, but also decrease the damage to oil formation. Xanthan Gum can also greatly raise the efficiency of drilling, workover and completion. As a biotype oil driver, Xanthan Gum Oil Drilling Grade can improve oil extraction rate and utilization factor of natural resources. The more important point is that it can furthest protect natural environment.

ZIBO SHUANGCHEN CHEMICAL CO., LTD located in Linzi, Zibo, the largest renowned heavy industry center in China, is the world's leading manufacturer and supplier of Xanthan gum to the whole world.

We are specialized in supplying API grade, Oil drilling grade, Industry grade and Food grade Xanthan gum, view more you can check the web below:


Is Xanthan Gum harmful?

Xanthan gum is a largely indigestible polysaccharide that is produced by bacteria called Xanthomonas Camestris. (1) Manufacturers place the bacteria in a growth medium that contains sugars and other nutrients, and the resulting product of bacterial fermentation is purified, dried, powdered, and sold as xanthan gum. (Makes you wonder who first thought to put it in food, doesn’t it?)

Animal studies

Overall, the results from animal studies on xanthan gum aren’t very concerning. In one experiment, rats were fed xanthan gum for two years in concentrations of 0.25, 0.50 or 1.0 g/kg body weight per day. (2) The only notable difference between the xanthan gum groups and the control group was that rats fed xanthan gum experienced soft stools somewhat more frequently than the control rats, but even that barely reached statistical significance. There were no differences in growth rate, survival, blood markers, organ weights or tumor incidence.
Another experiment followed a similar design but used dogs instead of rats, and the results were the same: no changes other than occasional soft stools. (3) In a three-generation reproductive study, rats were fed either 0.25 or 0.50 g/kg per day, and there were no significant changes in the parents and offspring from the xanthan gum-receiving groups. (4)
Based on those initial studies, it was concluded that xanthan gum is a perfectly safe food additive. Since then, a few additional animal studies with different aims have been published.
One study, conducted to evaluate the effects of xanthan gum on digestion in rats, found that a diet containing 4% xanthan gum increased the amount of water in the intestines by 400%, and also increased the number of sugars remaining in the intestine. (5) Another study found that in rats fed 50 g/kg of xanthan gum (an incredibly high dose) for 4 weeks, the stool water content and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) content increased significantly. (6)
This last study actually relates to the potential anti-tumor properties of xanthan gum, and researchers found that orally administered xanthan gum was able to slow tumor growth and prolong the survival of mice with melanoma. (7) The mechanism is unclear, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

Human studies

Due to the lack of harmful effects observed in animal studies, there are few human studies on xanthan gum. The first study aimed to determine the safety of xanthan gum when consumed by humans in an everyday dietary setting, but at levels much higher than people would normally encounter in their diet. (8) For 23 days, 5 adult men with no GI issues consumed between 10.4g and 12.9g of xanthan gum daily (based on the subjects’ weight), which is 15 times the current Acceptable Daily Intake of 10mg/kg. Overall, they experienced a reduction in serum cholesterol, an increase in fecal bile acid, and an increase in stool output and water content.
Another study had volunteers consume 15g of xanthan gum per day for 10 days. (9) They found xanthan gum to be a “highly efficient laxative,” and subjects experienced greater stool output and gas. That’s not very surprising considering the high dose, but what I found particularly interesting about this study was their measurement of the ability of subjects’ fecal bacteria to metabolize xanthan gum.
The researchers found that before the trial period, bacteria from the stools of only 12 of the 18 subjects could break down the xanthan gum, while after the trial period, bacteria from 16 of the subjects could break it down. (10) Additionally, the stool samples containing bacteria that could break down the xanthan gum showed a much greater production of hydrogen gas and SCFA after the trial period as compared to baseline, indicating that the intestinal bacteria of the subjects quickly adapted to this new food source. Clearly, xanthan gum (like many indigestible carbohydrates) can have a profound impact on the gut microbiota in large doses.

Colitis in infants

The only concerning research I found on xanthan gum relates to the development of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in infants. Earlier this year, the New York Times published an article relating the tragic deaths of infants who had developed NEC after consuming a diet of formula or breast milk that had been thickened with a xanthan gum-based product called SimplyThick. This product was widely used in hospitals to thicken feed for infants with swallowing difficulties.
Two papers reviewed the cases of xanthan gum-associated NEC, and while there isn’t enough data to establish causation, the general consensus seems to be that the xanthan gum caused increased bacterial production of SCFA in the newborns’ intestines, and this contributed to the development of NEC. (1112) Although SCFA are vital to colon health, the immature digestive systems of newborns appear to be extremely sensitive to them. (1314) Since then, general practice guidelines suggest avoiding manufactured thickening products in babies under 12 months old, and rice cereal or baby oatmeal is used instead.
I wanted to address this because while it’s clearly important to avoid giving xanthan gum to infants (especially in large amounts), I’d like to emphasize that none of this changes the fact that xanthan gum appears to be relatively harmless in adult humans. None of the animal or human studies found damage to the intestinal mucosa following xanthan gum consumption, even in large doses, so this danger appears to be unique to newborns. For everyone else, SCFA aren’t something to be afraid of, and they are actually beneficial for the gut and for metabolic health, as I mention in previous articles here and here.

Wheat, corn, soy, and dairy allergies

I mentioned in the opening section that xanthan gum is produced by bacterial fermentation of a sugar-containing medium. Unfortunately, that ‘medium’ is often a potentially allergenic substance such as corn, soy, dairy, or wheat. Many xanthan gum manufacturers aren’t eager to share what their ‘medium’ is, but one common supplier, Bob’s Red Mill, discloses their production practices.
It looks like they originally used corn or soy as a medium, but they’ve sincechanged their medium to a glucose solution derived from wheat starch. However, they claim that the xanthan gum is still gluten-free, and it continues to be marketed as such.
It can be difficult to find production info online, but just be aware that if you have a severe allergy to corn, soy, wheat, or dairy, it would be prudent to either avoid xanthan gum entirely or check with the manufacturer to see how it’s produced.


Based on the available evidence, the worst xanthan gum seems to be capable of (in adults) is causing some digestive distress in those who are susceptible by increasing stool bulk, water content, and sugar content. But as I just mentioned, those with severe allergies should also be careful.
I recommend that people with digestive problems generally avoid xanthan gum, not because there’s evidence that it could damage your gut, but because its structural properties make it likely to produce unpleasant gut symptoms. Unlike carrageenan, there’s no evidence that xanthan gum can cause serious harm (even in human studies using doses much higher than people would normally encounter), so if you are able to tolerate it, I see no compelling reason to strictly avoid it. I wouldn’t recommend consuming large amounts every day, because xanthan gum appears to have a high propensity for altering the gut microbiome, and it’s unclear whether that alteration could be problematic in the long run. But the small amounts that you would normally encounter in the context of a real-food diet shouldn’t present a problem.
Now I’d like to hear from you. Have you ever experienced any unpleasant side effects from using xanthan gum? Have I allayed your fears about this additive? Let me know in the comments below.

One of ammonium nitrate in the production process is the pressure and granulation

One of ammonium nitrate in the production process is the pressure and granulation
( A ) atmospheric pressure and three-stage evaporation in granulation
This process is the use of certain ammonium Nitate manufacturers , features are: raw dilute nitric acid concentration of 42 to 45% ( dilute nitric acid without preheating ) ; ammonia gas purity> 99% , preheated to 40 ~ 60 ℃ and in atmospheric pressure. carried out , the outlet concentration and 64 % or higher, the temperature of 115 ~ 125 ℃. evaporator section at 40 ~ 140MM Hg to 0.2kg/cm2 in the steam heating and evaporation , after some evaporation , concentration of up to 78 ~ 85% Sec evaporator under atmospheric pressure and evaporated to 4 ~ 8kg/cm2 steam heating, the secondary evaporator , the solution concentration of 90 to 92 %. In the three sections of the evaporator 140 ~ 240mm Hg to 8kg/cm2 steam heating, the solution evaporated to a concentration of more than 98.2% . By centrifugal spray granulator in spray granulation tower granulation . Then , by the belt conveyors in the transport process of cooling , the final weighing and packaging.
One , three stage vacuum evaporator generally use electric pumps, and a condenser and attachments atmosphere .
( B) the pressure in the evaporation and granulation period
This process is characterized by :
1 , and in the system : the ammonia gas is preheated to a temperature above 80 ℃, dilute nitric acid concentrations above 53% , and the operating temperature 135 ~ 140 ℃, and using the partial thermal evaporation , and the outlet concentration of up to 85 ~ 95 %.
Ammonia gas pipeline is equipped with automatic pressure regulating device , and in the use of PH or acidity, automatically adjust the feed amount of acid .
2, the evaporation system : film evaporator 85 and ~ 95% of the loaded solution was pumped to the prilling tower , and evaporated to 99.5% . The two vacuum evaporation using a steam jet pump , the use of steam are 1.1MPa, to automatically adjust the valve. After evaporation of liquid mixture after separation , to the centrifugal granulator granulation. After evaporation of the steam is pumped into the separation surface condenser cooling water through indirect condensation pumping gas condensed steam from the primary jet pump further condensed into the middle of the condenser , the last non-condensed gas is pumped out through the vent steam jet Sec . Two condenser condensate flow to the liquid seal groove , into the sewer .
3 ebullient cooling and granulation : The melt flow to the tank by a motor -driven centrifugal granulation , a centrifugal force , and the liquid droplets at the outlet from the bottom of the column in countercurrent contact with the incoming air , cooling and crystallization, a diameter 1 to 3 mm granular products, by natural air cooling tower granulation suction material from 175 ℃ 90 ℃ fall down to the tower on the belt by a cooling drum ( or catch powder added ) , and finally automatic weighing scale and packaging.


what is Hydroxyethyl cellulose?

from http://www.orencn.com

Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) is a white or yellowish, tasteless, nontoxic solid fibrous or powdered, the alkali cellulose and ethylene oxide (or ethylene chlorohydrin) reaction of the ether, is soluble nonionic cellulose ethers. Since HEC has good thickening, suspension, dispersion, emulsification, adhesion, film, protecting moisture and provide protective colloid properties, has been widely used in oil exploration, coatings, construction, medicine, food, textile, paper and polymer the art of polymerization reaction. 40 mesh sieve rate ≥ 99%; softening temperature :135-140 ℃; performance density :0.35-0 .61g/ml; decomposition temperature :205-210 ℃; burning slower; balance amount with temperature: 23 ℃; 50% when rh 6%, 84% when rh 29%.

1 , the alkali cellulose is a natural polymer , comprising on each fiber ring three hydroxyl groups , the most reactive hydroxyl group reacted hydroxyethylcellulose. The raw cotton linter pulp or refined pulp soaked in a 30% caustic soda , and pressing out after half an hour . Press to contain lye proportion of 1:2.8 , crushed . Pulverized alkali cellulose into the reaction vessel , sealed , vacuum, nitrogen , be repeated vacuum nitrogen atmosphere in the autoclave was fully replaced . Pressed into the liquid ethylene oxide precooled , through the reactor jacket cooling water , controlled reaction of about 25 ℃ 2h, the crude product was hydroxyethylcellulose . The crude product was washed with ethanol , and acetic acid added to pH4-6, together with glyoxal crosslinking aging. Then washed with water , centrifugal dewatering , drying, grinding, a hydroxyethylcellulose. Raw material consumption (kg / t): cotton linter pulp or low meal :730 -780 , caustic soda ( 30% ) : 2400 , ethylene oxide : 900 , alcohol ( 95% ) : 4500 , acetic acid : 240 , ethylene formaldehyde ( 40% ) :100 -300 .
2 , fumed : fumed or diluent additive is added during the reaction , the base fiber and EO in the gas phase reaction . In the 18.5% cotton fibers immersed in NaOH solution , activated , and then crushing, pulverizing in a reactor . The reactor was evacuated with nitrogen two times, adding EO, the degree of vacuum 90.64kPa, 27 ~ 32 ℃ 3 ~ 3.5h the reaction can be obtained .
3, the liquid-phase method : HPLC method is the etherification reaction in the presence of a diluent . Mercerized cotton linters , after crushing, in the presence of a diluent , and the EO reactor 1 ~ 3h at 20 ~ 60 ℃, to obtain a crude product of hydroxyethyl cellulose . The usual diluents include acetone , isopropanol, tert-butanol or mixtures thereof . The insoluble product is maintained in a diluent .
A vapor phase method and the two liquid phase Production alkali cellulose to be prepared in advance and will be at about 20 ℃ cellulose was immersed in 18% NaOH solution for degreasing , the etherification reaction , neutralized , washed , dried and pulverized to obtain a final product.
As adhesives, surfactants, protective colloids , dispersants , emulsifiers and dispersion stabilizers. In the field of coatings, inks , fibers, dyeing, paper, cosmetics , pesticides, mineral , oil and medicine with a wide range of applications.
1 , commonly used as thickening agents , protective agents, binders , stabilizers and the preparation of emulsion, gel , ointment, lotion, eye clear , suppositories and tablets of the additives are used as the hydrophilic gel skeleton material , sustained release formulations prepared skeleton , but also for the role of food as a stabilizer .
2 , sizing agents for the textile industry, electronics and light industry sectors adhesion , thickening , emulsifying, stabilizing and other additives .
3 , used for water-based drilling and completion fluid thickener and fluid loss additive , in brine drilling fluid significant thickening effect . Also can be used for oil well cement fluid loss additive . Cross- linked with polyvalent metal ions into the gel.
4, this product is used for extracting oil fracking water -based gel fracturing fluid , polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride and other polymeric dispersant. Latex paint can also be made of industrial thickeners , humidity resistance electronics industry , construction cement anticoagulants and water retention agent . Glazed ceramic industry and toothpaste binder. Also widely used in printing and dyeing, textile, paper, pharmaceutical , health, food , cigarettes, pesticides and fire extinguishing agent aspects .
5 , as a surfactant , a colloidal protective agent , vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate emulsion is an emulsion stabilizer taken in combination , latex and tackifier , dispersant, a dispersion stabilizer. Is widely used in coatings, fibers , dyeing, paper, cosmetics , pharmaceuticals and pesticides. In oil exploration, machinery industry also has many uses .
6 , hydroxyethyl cellulose having a pharmaceutical solid , liquid surfactant formulations , thickening, suspending, adhesive , emulsion, film , dispersion, water retention and provide protection .
Product Performance
1, HEC is soluble in hot or cold water , hot or boiling does not precipitate , it has a wide range of solubility and viscosity characteristics , and non- thermal gelation ;
2 , with its other non-ionic water-soluble polymer in a wide range of surface-active agents, salts coexist thickener is a fine colloidal solution containing a high concentration of the dielectric ;
3 , water retention capacity than twice as methyl cellulose , with better regulation of the flow ;
4, HEC recognized dispersibility compared with methyl cellulose and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose worst dispersing ability , the ability of the strongest protective colloid .
Join directly in the production
1 . Should be cut in the blender with high added water vats .
2 . Start low and slowly stirring constantly have to hydroxyethyl cellulose sieve into a uniform solution .
3 . Continue stirring until all particles soaked.
4 . Then add preservatives, additives and other alkali such as pigments, dispersing aids , ammonia.
5. Stir until all of hydroxyethylcellulose has dissolved ( the solution viscosity increased significantly ) was added to the other components in the formulation , ground up to the finished product .
With liquor standby
This method is the first with a higher concentration of the mother liquor , then add latex paint . This method has the advantage of greater flexibility , the finished product can be added directly to the paint , but it should be properly stored . 1 1-4 steps and methods similar to the Ministry , the difference is no need to mix until completely dissolved into a high viscous solution .
Dubbed porridge -like syndrome with
The organic solvent is a poor solvent hydroxyethylcellulose , so these can be used with a porridge -like organic solvent . The most commonly used organic solvent is an organic liquid paint formulations such as ethylene glycol , propylene glycol and film formers ( such as ethylene glycol or diethylene glycol butyl Acetate ) . Ice-water is also a poor solvent , and the organic liquid ice also often used together with a porridge -like . Hydroxyethyl cellulose can be directly added to the porridge -like paint , hydroxyethyl cellulose in the porridge-like points have been Yanzhou bubble up . When added to paint , they will immediately dissolve , and play thickening effect . After the addition , continue to stir until completely dissolved hydroxyethylcellulose , homogeneous. General porridge -like with six ice mixed with an organic solvent or as a hydroxyethyl cellulose , about 6-30 minutes later, hydroxyethyl cellulose hydrolysis and then obviously made ​​up . In summer the water temperature is too high in general , should not be used with a porridge -like .