
Do foods naturally contain sodium benzoate

Sodium benzoate is added to many foods with a pH 4.5 or lower such as pickles, catsup, and soft drinks. It is also added to mouthwashes, toothpastes, creams, lotions and other cosmetic products where a small percentage may be absorbed through the skin.

Sodium benzoate is not found in foods unless it is added as a preservative. However, quite a number of foods contain benzoic acid. High concentrations of benzoic acid are found in some berries. Apples, plums, cinnamon, cloves and other foods including milk contain benzoic acid. It is found in many plants, animals and milk. You will find a number of sites on the internet stating that sodium benzoate is found in foods. That information probably came from Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 26 (2005). I encourage you to read it for yourself. I’ve included it in its entirety here, because it includes a great deal of related information. The document states that benzoic acid is naturally contained in many foods. The confusion comes because the document often uses benzoic acid and sodium benzoate synonymously e.g. benzoic acid/sodium benzoate. However, it clearly states that it is benzoic acid that is found naturally in foods, but sodium benzoate a food additive.

